Video Gallery

A Wild Video Collection.     filmed at our property.     and around it

A Wild Video Collection    
filmed at our property    
and around it

About Us   -   37 Seconds Intro

About Us. 37 Seconds Intro

Edited docu-video

Elephants at our Pond   -    A Rainy Afternoon

Elephants at our Pond
A Rainy Afternoon

Owner Home Alone    -   Apart from Elephants

Owner Home Alone
Apart from Elephants

Group of Elephants    -   Outside A Tented Jungle Chalet

Group of Elephants
Outside A Jungle Chalet

Landscape surroundings   -   Drone footage

Landscape surroundings
Drone footage

Samhar Deer Moving at Night   -   Trap Camera

Samhar Deer at Night
Trap Camera

On a walk   -   watching elephants in a lake

On a walk
watching elephants in a lake

Outside The Restaurant   -   an Elephant eating the bush

Outside The Restaurant
an Elephant eating the bush

Outside the owners tent   . . .   an elephant

Outside the owners tent
an elephant

Edited docu-video (2013)

In jeep   -  from our camp to Yala boundary

In jeep. from our camp
to Yala boundary

Edited docu-video (2012)

View more videos   -   Our YouTube Channels

View more videos
Our YouTube Channels

YouTube Channel
Tree Tops Jungle Lodge

YouTube Channel
By our ecolodge Naturalist
Deepal Dissanayaka

YouTube Channel
Tree Tops Jungle Lodge

YouTube Channel
By our ecolodge Naturalist
Deepal Dissanayaka

Below   -   View Videos By Deepal Dissanayaka

Below Videos
By Deepal Dissanayaka

Deepal Filming Selfie-Videos in the Jungle

Black-naped Monarch   -   With Call Sound

Black-naped Monarch
With Call Sound

Indian Pitta   -   with call sound

Indian Pitta
with call sound

Malabar Pied Hornbill

Heron at our pond   -   Caught a frog

Heron at our pond
Caught a frog

From The Animal Kingdom   -    A Strange Creature ...

From The Animal Kingdom
A Strange Creature